Robert Redpath, proprietor of Bee Sustainable, will conduct a workshop to introduce prospective bee keepers to bee keeping; the basic knowledge required and tasks to complete to get started with a bee hive.
At the conclusion of the workshop participants will have a basic understanding of:
- Bee behaviour
- The major tasks in hive management
- The various major items that make up a bee hive and how to construct them
There will be live bees and honeycomb to look at in a secure exhibition cabinet and a discussion of bee behaviour and hive management. The major items that make up a hive and their construction will be discussed. The equipment a beekeeper needs to work bees will also be reviewed. The major topics discussed will be:
- Establishing a hive
- Understanding the tasks to be carried out in spring
- How to go about robbing and extracting honey
- Swarm control
It is intended that during the workshop participants will complete the construction of a bee hive frame (using a wiring device) and also insert beeswax foundation into that frame. The frame with beeswax foundation may be taken home and is included in the workshop cost.
Participants will be limited to 8 to maintain an informal interactive format.
The workshop will include:
- A wooden beehive frame that will have beeswax foundation inserted as part of the workshop
- A $5 discount on the book “Bee AgSkills” published by the NSW Department of Primary Industry (normally $27.50, $22.50 with discount.) The book is recommended and covers all the major topics with excellent photos.