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Bee Sustainable Mill It! Make It! Festival

To launch our brand new ‘Grain Milling with Waldner’ video and share the joy of creating beautiful food with freshly milled grains, we’re holding the Mill It! Make It! Festival: a time of treats and special events for bakers, wholegrain connoisseurs and anyone who enjoys a deeper connection with their food.

The Mill It! Make It! Festival runs from 9-17 September and features:

  • An exclusive 10% discount on all Waldner Mills (this is strictly limited so make the most of it!)
  • A 10% discount on all baking equipment including bread tins and bannettons
  • A 10% discount on all books about baking and bread making
  • The Mill it! Make it! Festival Day on Saturday 17th September: the pinnacle of the Festival featuring all the specials and promotions above and a special tasting menu featuring artisan, handmade treats using and complimenting freshly milled grains. Plus we’re giving away 1kg of freshly milled wheat flour to each customer!
  • Our terrific (and easy) Mill it! Make it! contest, to enter below

Mill it! Make it! Contest

We’re giving away five 450g bread tins worth $30.00 as part of our Mill It! Make It! Festival.

To enter, simply:

  • Watch our beautiful video and answer the simple question below
  • Sign up to our Newsletter
  • Come along to the Mill It! Make It! Festival if you can – competition winners will be drawn at 2.30pm.

Freshly milled flours and spices taste better and retain greater nutritional value and our handmade Waldner stone mills are superb for home or commercial use. Get the whole story here.

Mill It! Make It! Competition Entry Form

* indicates required



Email us (info -at- beesustainable -dot- com -dot- au) your answer and we’ll add you to the draw.